How to Influence Your Subconscious Mind and Live a Meaningful Life

How to Influence Your Subconscious Mind and Live a Meaningful Life

Who are we really and what are we doing here? These are some of the questions that haunt us as we try to make sense of our existence. We often think that we are in control of our lives, but how much of our behavior and choices are influenced by our subconscious mind?

Our subconscious mind is the part of our mind that operates outside of our conscious awareness. It stores all the memories, experiences, emotions, and beliefs that shape our personality and worldview. It also processes most of the information from our environment, filtering out what is irrelevant or threatening to our sense of self.

However, our subconscious mind is not always accurate or helpful. It can be influenced by external factors, such as the words and actions of others, the media, the culture, and the society we live in. It can also be influenced by internal factors, such as our fears, insecurities, biases, and expectations. These influences can create negative or limiting patterns in our subconscious mind that affect our conscious decisions and actions.

How Our Subconscious Mind Influences Our Behavior

For example, when we were young, we may have heard our parents or teachers praise certain professions, such as doctors, engineers, or astronauts. We may have also seen them admire or reward people who had those professions. These messages may have created an impression in our subconscious mind that those professions are desirable, prestigious, or valuable. As a result, we may have chosen to pursue those careers without really understanding what they entail or whether they suit our true interests and passions.

Or, we may have faced some challenges or difficulties in our lives that made us feel scared, hurt, or angry. We may have developed coping mechanisms to deal with those emotions, such as avoiding confrontation, suppressing our feelings, or blaming others. These habits may have become ingrained in our subconscious mind and influenced how we react to similar situations in the future.

The problem is that we are not always aware of how our subconscious mind affects our behavior. We may think that we are acting rationally and freely, but in reality, we are following the scripts and programs that our subconscious mind has created for us. We may end up living a life that is not aligned with our true purpose or potential. We may also miss out on opportunities for growth and happiness because of our subconscious fears or limitations.

How to Change Our Subconscious Mind

So how can we change this? How can we take control of our subconscious mind and make it work for us instead of against us? How can we live a life that is authentic and meaningful?

There is no easy answer to these questions, but there are some steps that we can take to start the process of transformation:

1. Become Aware of Your Subconscious Mind

The first step is to become aware of your subconscious mind and how it influences your behavior. You can do this by observing your thoughts, feelings, and actions and noticing any patterns or triggers that cause you to act in certain ways. You can also use tools such as meditation, journaling, or therapy to access and explore your subconscious mind more deeply.

For example, you can try this simple meditation exercise:

  • Sit comfortably in a quiet place and close your eyes.
  • Take a few deep breaths and relax your body and mind.
  • Ask yourself: What is my subconscious mind telling me right now?
  • Listen to the first answer that comes to your mind without judging or analyzing it.
  • Repeat this question several times until you feel you have uncovered some insights or messages from your subconscious mind.
  • Write down what you have learned and reflect on how it affects your behavior.

2. Challenge and Change Your Subconscious Beliefs

The second step is to challenge and change any negative or limiting beliefs that your subconscious mind holds. You can do this by questioning the validity and source of those beliefs and replacing them with positive and empowering ones. You can also use techniques such as affirmations, visualization, inner talk, binaural beats, music, art, or sleep to reprogram your subconscious mind with new information and experiences that support your goals and dreams.

For example, you can try this simple affirmation exercise:

  • Choose a positive statement that reflects your desired outcome or state of being.
  • Write it down on a piece of paper or a sticky note and place it somewhere you can see it often.
  • Repeat it out loud or in your mind several times a day, especially in the morning and before going to bed.
  • Feel the emotion and conviction behind your words and imagine that your statement is already true.
  • Keep doing this until you notice a change in your behavior or results.

3. Act in Alignment with Your Conscious Mind and Your True Self

The third step is to act in alignment with your conscious mind and your true self. You can do this by making choices that reflect your values, interests, passions, and purpose. You can also use strategies such as goal-setting, planning, action-taking, feedback-seeking, learning, and celebrating to reinforce your conscious decisions and actions and create positive outcomes in your lives.

For example, you can try this simple goal-setting exercise:

  • Choose a specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goal that you want to achieve.
  • Write it down on a piece of paper or a journal and break it down into smaller and manageable steps.
  • Assign a deadline and a reward for each step and track your progress.
  • Take action every day and review your results regularly.
  • Seek feedback from others and learn from your mistakes.
  • Celebrate your achievements and reward yourself.

By doing these steps consistently and persistently, we can gradually influence our subconscious mind to work in harmony with our conscious mind and create a life that is fulfilling and joyful.

"This is the result of my own research and reflection on the topic of the subconscious mind and its influence on human behavior. I hope it helps you understand yourself better and inspires you to take charge of your life."